Health and Happiness What can we do for a better life? It turns out that good relationships are the antidote to the stresses and strains of life. In the largest academic study of human happiness, Harvard found that good relationships are the secret to happiness and health. The study, which began in the 1930s, has established that close connections are an essential ingredient for a happy life. This groundbreaking research highlighted relationships as buffers against emotional and physical ailments.


The Harvard Study of Adult Development began in 1938 and has become the largest study of happiness. Starting as a study of adult development, the researchers realized they had access to an unprecedented data set. Looking at detailed physical and emotional indicators provided a unique insight into Health and Happiness into a difficult factor to determine: happiness. Access to this extensive information revealed several important flirtwith secrets about healthy relationships.

The research project began as a longitudinal study of adult development focused on psychosocial predictors of health and aging. Now it has been operating for close to 80 years. The sample group of more than 700 men came from two very different groups. One from Harvard and the other from the inner-city poor of Boston, covering a broad socioeconomic spectrum and a variety of backgrounds. It has become one of the most inclusive studies of adult life ever conducted. The study has now been expanded to include spouses and the second generation of the original sample group.

The researchers recorded their quality of life and experiences, along with their physical health. Every two years they conducted surveys on topics such as marriage, job satisfaction, and social activities. And every five years medical tests were done, including chest X-rays, blood and urine tests, MRIs, and cardiograms. The results have been happiness surprising.

The current and fourth director of the study, Robert Waldinger, explains: “The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships have a powerful Health and Happiness  influence on our health.” Waldinger says it wasn’t their cholesterol levels that predicted how they would age, but how satisfied they were in their relationships. “People who were the most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80,” he confirms.


A good relationship is the best tonic: Health and Happiness

These results verified that those who had good relationships lived longer and were happier, says Waldinger. The research highlighted this over and over again. Those in happier marriages experienced less physical pain, men with support networks had less mental decline as they age, and people who were lonely and social loners often died sooner. The findings call our attention to how important relationships are, and not just any relationship, but healthy relationships.

Good relationships are so powerful that they protect our own bodies, even against the ravages of aging and pain. It is love that keeps us happy and healthy, it is the heart that keeps us young and strong. To this end, building strong relationships should be a lifelong pursuit and pleasure.


Waldinger, the project’s current director, summarises the three most important life lessons they have learned from the study of good relationships and living the good life.

Social connections are actually good for us: The study confirmed that the better socially connected people are, the longer they live. People with close relationships not only live longer but are also healthier. On the contrary, loneliness is toxic. The participants who were isolated showed that their general health worsened earlier, their brains deteriorated at a younger age, and they lived shorter lives. It’s quite simple, the social connections we build dampen us down as we age.

Quality not quantity: It is not the number of relationships, but the quality of these connections that defines them as good relationships. Since loving relationships protect our health, conflict can be even worse than divorce and has an adverse effect on our health. People in the study who were happiest in their relationships in their 50s were healthier in their 80s. Cultivate deep, meaningful relationships: High-quality connections are the elixir of life.

Healthy relationships protect our brains: One of the biggest fears of the aging process is losing our faculties. The study showed that people in their 80s who were insecure attachment relationships with someone they thought they could count on retained sharper memories. And conversely, people who were alone experienced earlier cognitive decline.

Over the decades and through changing social, economic, and political landscapes, healthy relationships and close connections with others have now been scientifically proven to be the most valuable and precious assets we can accumulate throughout our lives. lifetime. Waldinger sums up his biggest lesson simply: “Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.”

How to create good relationships?- Health and Happiness

So now that we know that stable relationships equate to a happier, healthier life, you may be wondering how to build good relationships. There is no single solution to that problem; rather it is a way of approaching the relationships in your life, made up of countless small acts of love and appreciation. Here are some practical tips to strengthen your relationships and create strong and lasting relationships in your life.

Focus: When you’re with someone, give them your full attention. Put aside distractions and focus on your partner. When your partner gives you their undivided attention, you feel valued and important in their life.

Be Empathetic: The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes creates a deep sense of mutual understanding between people. Being understood is one of the great gifts of a healthy relationship, creating a deep connection based on real intimacy.

The Great Gifts

Be Interest : Ask questions and follow through on important moments. Seize or create opportunities to get to know your partner on all levels, from the minutiae of everyday life to their dreams and secret desires.

Value respect and honesty: Above all else, treat your loved ones with respect and be honest, building a strong foundation. Being respect makes someone feel safe and admire in the relationship. Even small indiscretions and deceptions can ruin a relationship, but the truth gives you the lasting platform of a relationship built on trust.

Say I love you: Don’t take for granted that your partner just knows you love them, say it daily. Saying ‘I love you not only shows your appreciation and is an active expression of your feelings, but it also increases feelings of love in your partner, develops your emotional connection, and reduces stress levels for both of you.


Our health and happiness are dampened or broken by the quality of the relationships we have cultivated in life. Through this lens, good relationships can as the gold standard of achievement. It seems to be truer than true: the best things in life are free.

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