The Most Attractive Man the suitcase out of the closet. No, she wasn’t going on vacation, but she was wearing her jeans, tops and dresses anyway. She intended to pack the books later in cardboard boxes from a nearby supermarket. She will take the collection of mugs (including her beloved mug with a broken ear) and the pan only on the second course – after she says goodbye to him.
- was leaving, but the direction of movement depends on the point of view. From her perspective, she was rather beginning something new. She was turning the other way, because the road she was taking was already over. During this turning, her boyfriend saw her – neither her fiancé, nor her partner, nor cohabitant. Undefined like the type of relationship they’ve been in. He knew it was over. She had told him more than once that it didn’t make sense, but he wouldn’t let the thought come to him. After all, he loved her. Shouldn’t that be enough?
Why are women leaving?
If you believe popular opinion, if women wrote down their expectations of men, a list would be longer than the Great Wall of China . According to them, an attractive man is someone who understands them, someone empathetic and romantic. It looks great in photos and even better in bed. It wouldn’t hurt if he had passion and sense of humor. Strength is welcome – both mental and physical. Blah blah blah.
Time shows that it is not that important. – The Most Attractive Man
In my life I have watched dozens of breakups. Sometimes I looked at them with popcorn in my hand, sometimes while waiting with a packet of tissues. These break-ups varied in style, explosiveness, and showing (or not) the worst character traits, but there was one lesson from them. Women get into relationships for hundreds of different reasons, but when they leave, it is only for two. They are departing from men with no future or from those with no future for them.
In the relationships I have dealt with, women have moved away from men whose ambitions ended in getting out of bed without napping, and from those who had ambitions, but were devoid of any action to achieve them.
They left when they didn’t feel their relationship was developing and they got bored of hearing. That meeting without obligation is better for everyone. And formalizing relationships was a relic of the nineteenth century.
They were leaving because, looking behind them. They saw only stagnation and not fresh stagnation. But stagnation covered with a thick layer of dust.
They left because they were sure that they already YourLatinMates knew him inside out. And choosing to live with him is choosing not to be surprised and not to develop.
Do you know why they did it? Because women crave the future.
Relationships begin with the promises of tomorrow
Their first element is always self-advertising. Tinder, Facebook, Instagram, and then the first. Second and third dates, where it is said that he will go to Bangkok for his thirtieth birthday, make the best amateur drama movie, and then buy a loft and hang large-format black photos in it . Either it is said that you will run the most modern law firm, or that you will help all the puppies in the world.
It is for the future that women make decisions about whether to be with someone. Often, they want to see the future so badly that, sitting in front of a bad boy, they sing to each other how much potential he has and how fantastic he will be if he changes for her .
Finally, it is due to the lack of a future that women leave , because it very often turns out that all these words and visions were only the equivalent of a beautiful tablet advertisement on Allegro, which after the purchase turned out to be a box filled with rotten potatoes, apologies and excuses.
An attractive man in the past and today – The Most Attractive Man
For thousands of years, women’s eyes have sparkled at the sight of hunters going hunting. Now, when the mammoths are gone, they shine just as brightly at the sight of guys having a reason to leave their modern caves. A cool guy is a man with plans, possibilities and energy. Today’s attractive man may use face creams and be ready to go out longer than they do, but he cannot be afraid of change. He cannot be afraid of taking responsibility. Above all, it cannot give the impression that nothing is waiting for him anymore.
You can boil it down to materialism and say that, as always, it all ends up with a stuffed wallet. Only that is not what this is about. Important in all this is the feeling that life does not stop at these 45 square meters, and that a ring on a finger is not crossing the finish line amid the cheers of the cheering crowd.
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Ultimately, what matters is that with this person you have a reason to get out of bed. Thanks to this, you do not feel that it is a dead end from which you have to escape, just like K. at the beginning of this post. And money is not really the most important thing in this.
So you may think that the man in the suit and Audi is the most attractive. Or the one with the beard, with two faculties, and a good deal of entries in his sexual CV. However, these are only accessories, because the most attractive guy is always the guy who has the future ahead of him.
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